Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Nation of Geeks

In most western countries, India is considered a nation of computer programmers. Most Americans believe that Indians are either programmers or doctors. I used to dismiss these notions as their narrow purview attributed to their lack of exposure.

However, a latest trend made me wonder whether I should rethink my own stance.

I have been receiving a fair amount of wedding invitations(from India) that have either been scanned or are some other innovative digital invite. All my friends actually consider sending a physical card a thing for older people. From the same family, my parents will get a pretty card and I will get the digital version.

This, if you know my drift, doesn't happen in western countries. I have not received a single digital invite. Sure, wedding registries are widely used but no digital invites.

Does this mean that whether we are programmers, artists, journalists, fashion designers, accountants, doctors or even manufacturers, we are, in our hearts, just a nation of geeks?

Saturday, June 16, 2007

What is experience?

Most 20 year olds detest being told that a 35 year old has experience and their way of doing things is better. But its these 20 year olds who turn into these 35 year olds after 15 years.

So, what changes their minds? What is experience anyways?

Youth means looking at a mountain and saying, "well, its a 10 mile trek. If I start climbing now and take 2 breaks, I should reach the top by this afternoon."
Its only after having failed on such a statement that the 20 year old takes a step towards being the 35 year old.

I met a couple of successful dot com era CEO/CTOs yesterday. Pretty smart men. Their first startup was out of a garage. It wasn't successful. In fact, they failed in their first couple of startups until they hit it with the last one and they hit is big.

Its at time like these that I feel good about my first startups. They are doing well and growing.
Maybe we were quick to learn from other people's mistakes. Maybe we were just smart. Or then again, maybe we were just plain lucky.

Best things about being married!!

I consider myself an experienced woman; now that I will be married for about 6 months. V and I dated for about 7 years before getting married and the advantages of being married are definitely there. Two main ones I feel happy about every single day:

1) Freedom. Suddenly, after the wedding, my parents have taken the stance of "Its all right if Vinit likes it". Meaning, if before the wedding they'd have raised a ruckus about me cutting my hair, now its just a solemn "its all right if Vinit likes it". (Fine, I can think of only one example for now. But its a big one! )

2) I get to hog him all the time! He is there when I go to sleep, there when I wake up in the middle of the night, there in the morning and all the other times I just want him around.

I know I said two but... 3) I get to say "My husband and I are going for dinner" rather than a "My BoyFriend/Fiance and I are going for dinner". The former is way more fun to say!!