Saturday, June 16, 2007

Best things about being married!!

I consider myself an experienced woman; now that I will be married for about 6 months. V and I dated for about 7 years before getting married and the advantages of being married are definitely there. Two main ones I feel happy about every single day:

1) Freedom. Suddenly, after the wedding, my parents have taken the stance of "Its all right if Vinit likes it". Meaning, if before the wedding they'd have raised a ruckus about me cutting my hair, now its just a solemn "its all right if Vinit likes it". (Fine, I can think of only one example for now. But its a big one! )

2) I get to hog him all the time! He is there when I go to sleep, there when I wake up in the middle of the night, there in the morning and all the other times I just want him around.

I know I said two but... 3) I get to say "My husband and I are going for dinner" rather than a "My BoyFriend/Fiance and I are going for dinner". The former is way more fun to say!!


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