Friday, July 28, 2006


Definitely sends the message across!

Truck drivers, in any country, have a reputation that they carry everywhere- which might entice confidence or trigger some phobias depending on the geographical region you are in.

Indian truck drivers are known to be killers on the road. They are also considered very moralistic and helpful, esp. the Punjabi ones. (Coming from Delhi- that's what I know) They are the ones who will go through a lot of trouble to help someone and be protective of women on the road.

On the other hand, their American counterparts are the safest drivers on the road. They will never go above 55mph, drive in the slowest lane, follow all the traffic rules but they will also go for all the porn that is out there- just try searching for "truckers' wives" on google. (I did that search while trying to hire some truckers' wives for some unconventional marketing)

There are some new laws being considered wherein the manufacturer of the truck will cap the speed of the truck to be 65mph by activating engine speed limiters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's obvious that you have never been in the cab of a semi driving down the road let alone drive one. I have 6 years experience behind the wheel. (I'm not married) Truck drivers have a job to do. They are trying to deliver their shipment. You would be amazed at the stupid things that people in cars do around truck drivers. Let me just say that some drivers of cars need to be taken out of the gene pool before they spread their desease to any children that they might have. I have run women off on to the side of the highway when they have been coming down the on ramp, looking straight ahead instead of looking left to check on traffic conditions and spead. These women are approaching the merge point right next to my truck where the truck and trailer are joined. Its not until just before that that they look over and then they see what? A big wall of steel. I have to admit that the look on their faces is so funny! Oh, and it always seems that these women are always driving minivans or SUVs. Oh, and as far as the picture goes. I have seen that sticker on trucks too. Unlike in this picture, there is usually a sticker on the left side, with arrow, that reads "Passing side". Get the point? <-- Passing side. Suicide --> LOL Pass on the right idiot!

August 2, 2006 at 1:16:00 PM EDT  
Blogger EntrepreneurNI said...

Oh i completely agree. I guess my post wasn't clear enough- I have a lot of respect for drivers and the point of the picture was the funny 'suicide'!!!

In my profession, I have gotten to know a lot of drivers (closely) and that is why I know 1)they are the safest ones on the road 2)they do have a reputation/tendency to talk about porn etc

August 2, 2006 at 1:22:00 PM EDT  
Blogger EntrepreneurNI said...

I am actually offended at you alluding to 'bad drivers' as 'women'. A few of the truck drivers I know are women and they have been winning 'van operator of the year' awards for years!

August 2, 2006 at 1:24:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I admit, I could have worded my post differently. I'm sorry. In no way did I mean that "all" bad drivers were women. However all bad women drivers do seem to drive minivans and SUVs. I think its a sense of power or something, i don't know. The bad male drivers do other stupid things like change lanes right in front of you then hit their brakes or speed around you to cut back in front of you to mke the exit that they would have gotten to about 1.2 seconds later anyway. The addition of women as drivers has been very possative to the trucking industry.

August 2, 2006 at 2:06:00 PM EDT  
Blogger EntrepreneurNI said...

haha You are probably right. Now that I think of it, a lot of petite women buy minivans and SUVs! Something to do with power- as you said.

August 2, 2006 at 2:12:00 PM EDT  

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