Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Can people change you?

Aish was here over the weekend and while walking down the beach we saw a a few people with rolled up pants, fishing.
His question to me was whether they bothered me. They didn't.

I knew they should.They always used to. Hunting still makes me sick.

One of our friend's idea of a calm weekend is to fish. And having spent a lot of time with him, could that have altered my idea of what I used to consider disgusting and horrendous?

And why just fishing? I still loathe the concept of hunting. Both are equally bad. Both cause equal amounts of pain.

Note to self: get the disgust back in!


Blogger AlterinG Abhishek said...

though i am in sync with ur feeling of loathe towards killing...

but i do agree that people can change people!!

August 7, 2007 at 5:11:00 AM EDT  

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