Friday, September 01, 2006

Why god won't heal amputees

"That's what terrifies me most - that we're never going to rid the crutch; that people will believe in an adult version Santa Claus as long as we don't actively try to get rid of this dangerous fantasy.

They need the reassurance that if they DO something ( pray), it will not happen again.
This is an interesting read: Why god won't heal amputees. I refuse to believe that 'we' are the enlightened ones (who can handle grief rationally), and that there are some other poor people in the world, who need to be fed magic to cope with life.
True information is what will set humanity free. Lies will not. " -BS, in my comments

The above reply demanded a post of its own!!

Check out the link 'why god won't heal amputees'. Although it is aimed directly at the Bible, the article asks some very interesting questions which all religions should answer.

And, I believe, we can get rid of the crutch. All we need to do is:
  • create a non-profit organization,
  • set-up an initial few meetings,
  • get brochures printed and
  • give a few speeches.
  • Of course, we will have to catch them young (we will be competing with parents).
  • And of course, the first few people to spearhead
I wonder how many people from my immediate friend group would be scandalized at such thoughts and how many would appreciate it.

god is not needed only by poor people. Anyone who has fears and needs the security blanket needs it.
I listened to some interesting thoughts of one of our salespeople today- he is 53, used to own a company for 15 years and is now divorced. According to him, god helped him find his new fiancee. But, he doesn't think that god will prevent him from getting lung cancer from smoking.

On the same vein as the above article- why this discrimination? Why did god help with a new love but will not with a potential cancer? If by probability, he doesn't get cancer, is he going to say that god loves him?

My dad always says something which I never understood- "God Helps those who help themselves"
Well, if we ARE helping ourselves, then what is god really doing?


Unfortunately, many religions were based on the quest to find true information. Christianity from Judaism; Jainism from Hinduism; Islam (from not sure from where but Judaism/Christianity/Islam are closely linked)

What happened to them? Do all religions have cycles? That they have to end up in the same place?

If true information is how humanity will be free, how do you spread it?
How do you prevent lies where the majority of people are willing to 'punish' you for your beliefs?


Blogger The thinking thinker said...

Well interesting post. Also, interesting to see, that you gave this topic, so much of time and a place on your blog.

I normally don't say much on religion as I think all religion say the same things - its only that people interpret it in different ways.

Its upto the people to realise this - and find something new to fight wars on; in order to keep themselves occupied.

September 6, 2006 at 2:58:00 AM EDT  
Blogger EntrepreneurNI said...

Its something close to my heart- that's why it got so much space!

September 6, 2006 at 11:02:00 AM EDT  

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